


The air quality in a building is one of the main factors for internal comfort. The air must be continuously changed to maintain safe conditions.
This process wastes energy, which can be recovered by installing a plate heat exchanger; for this reason this product can have multiple applications.
Let’s examine one of this applications: a drugstore with an area of 1235 m² (13.000 sf), and an average density of 310 people.
To change the air, 10.000 m³/h (6.000 cfm) of vfresh air, is needed. The example shows a system with our air to air plate heat exchanger:

> Model: AI AL 12 N 1600 C 2 AF SC
> Thermal efficiency: 79.4% (according to ERP Directive 2018)
> Total year savings: Euro 2.496,00 (US$ 3.579)